HappyOrNot is the world leader in experience management and measurement. Since HappyOrNot started to collaborate with Greenstep, the amount of administrative work has decreased significantly.
Esa Vasara, HappyOrNot's Director of Business Services, tells about co-operation between HappyOrNot and Greenstep.
"HappyOrNot is a world leader in physical experience management and measurement in the world. We have biggest analytics feedback database in place, we have over one million feedback from companies around the world. We help organisations to succeed by offering an experience management tool that all people in the organisation can use in their daily work," HappyOrNot's Director of Business Services Esa Vasara tells.
- Our growth has been quite significant, so when I joined HappyOrNot I was like the employee number 10 and now we have like 200 employees. Currently, we operate in over 130 countries. As we expanded to other countries and implemented new subsidiaries, we of course wanted one system that holds all the financial operations for us, but in the same time we wanted a partner that can support us in the growth. So 2017, we started moving our bookkeeping to Greenstep and at the same time started to implement the leading ERP on the market, NetSuite, with Greenstep.
- So Greenstep is a unique company in a field that they can serve the technical needs of us and then they also have the bookkeeping know-how and the quality has been great – we can already see that the admin work involved in these things is reduced significantly. So whereas before ending the month could take like weeks to pulling the data and making the reports – now it's a matter of hours. We save a lot of time in this admin work, also our management is very satisfied because they can see real-time situation over all of our subsidiaries in a glance, so we've got this real-time snapshot of our business. And that's crucial for making any future decision that you are standing them on real-time data and not like data that's like two or three months old.
Published 09.12.2019